
Logical Fallacies: Common Types and Their Impact

A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying and Avoiding Flawed Arguments

Logical fallacies are arguments that deviate significantly from the topic at hand and can be proven without evidence, but they clearly demonstrate flawed communication with the main purpose or goal. Logicians often rely on such arguments to win quickly or easily, but these arguments do not relate to the main issue, purpose, or question.

Examples of Logical Fallacies

Let’s examine two examples to understand this better:

  1. Simple Assertion:

    • Statement: You should not go outside without a reason. You might get a heat stroke.
    • Analysis: This statement might not be true. If you go outside and find a cool breeze, the likelihood of a heat stroke is minimal.
  2. Slippery Slope Fallacy:

    • Statement: You should not go outside. In this heat, you might get a heat stroke. This will make you unable to work, leading to reduced income by the end of the month. Consequently, you won’t be able to pay your child’s school fees, which might force them to drop out of school. Ultimately, your family will fall apart due to reduced income.
    • Analysis: This example is more complex. It links one problem to another in a continuous chain, which can be endless.

Both examples are logically flawed. The first might not happen, and the second creates an unnecessary chain of events. This type of argument is known as the Slippery Slope Fallacy.

History of Logical Fallacies

The concept of logical fallacies is as old as language itself. To trace its origins, we need to look at the ‘Nyāya-Sūtras’ and the ‘Nyāya School’ of Hindu philosophy. This text, written between the 6th century BC and the 2nd century AD, is attributed to Akshapada Gautama. He identified five distinct ways in which arguments can be logically flawed.

Greek philosopher Aristotle also wrote about logical fallacies. In his work “Sophistical Refutations,” he identified thirteen fallacies, divided into verbal and material fallacies. According to Aristotle, a verbal fallacy involves unclear or incorrect language, while a material fallacy involves a flawed or incorrect argument. Later contributions can be seen from scholars like Richard Whately and Francis Bacon.

Common Logical Fallacies

There are 15 common logical fallacies that can be identified. These fallacies show how an argument can be twisted and presented in various ways. Writers, logicians, and even journalists use these tools regularly. Be cautious!

1. Ad Hominem

This fallacy involves attacking the person rather than the argument. For example:

  • Statement: Mr. K cannot be the mayor of this city because he did not grow up here.
  • Analysis: Being born in the city is not a requirement to be a mayor. One’s experiences can qualify them to be a successful representative.

2. Red Herring

This fallacy occurs when the argument shifts from the main topic to an unrelated one. For example:

  • Interviewer: Why are you misusing the Digital Security Act? It is causing problems for cartoonists, writers, activists, and journalists.
  • Politician: Do you want there to be no Digital Security Act? Even Canada has this law. Also, do you know how much we spent on building the Padma Bridge?
  • Analysis: The politician diverts the conversation to unrelated topics, avoiding the main question.

3. Straw Man

This fallacy involves exaggerating an opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack. For example:

  • Person 1: Our country has fewer job opportunities. We need unemployment benefits, especially for job seekers.
  • Person 2: If we provide unemployment benefits, the general public’s tax money will be wasted. These people will become lazy and won’t want to work, leading to economic problems for the state.
  • Analysis: The second person exaggerates the consequences of providing unemployment benefits.

4. Equivocation

This fallacy involves the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning. For example:

  • Statement: A student from BUET committed suicide because he was nihilistic.
  • Analysis: The term “nihilistic” is used ambiguously. The student’s suicide might not be directly linked to nihilism.

5. Slippery Slope

This fallacy involves asserting that a relatively small first step inevitably leads to a chain of related events. For example:

  • Statement: If you help one person, more people will come to you for help. Eventually, everyone in the country will seek your help, and you will end up on the street.
  • Analysis: Helping one person does not necessarily lead to helping everyone and ending up on the street.

6. Hasty Generalization

This fallacy involves making a hasty conclusion without sufficient evidence. For example:

  • Statement: I went to a coffee shop twice and both times I had an allergic reaction. Therefore, the coffee shop causes allergies.
  • Analysis: The allergic reaction could be due to other factors, not just the coffee shop.

7. Appeal to Authority

This fallacy involves using an authority figure to support a claim without proper evidence. For example:

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  • Statement: Coffee is harmful to health because I read it in a blog.
  • Analysis: A blog is not a sufficient authority to support the claim that coffee is harmful.

8. False Dilemma

This fallacy involves presenting only two options when there is a range of possibilities. For example:

  • Statement: If you don’t support my decision, you are not my friend.
  • Analysis: There are more options than just supporting or not supporting the decision.

9. Bandwagon Fallacy

This fallacy involves assuming something is true or good because it is popular. For example:

  • Statement: Shakib Khan’s movies are successful, so they must be of high quality.
  • Analysis: Popularity does not necessarily equate to high quality.

10. Appeal to Ignorance/Burden of Proof Fallacy

This fallacy involves assuming something is true because it has not been proven false. For example:

  • Statement: Since no one can prove that UFOs do not exist, they must exist.
  • Analysis: The absence of proof does not prove the existence of UFOs.

11. Circular Argument

This fallacy involves using the conclusion as a premise. For example:

  • Statement: Planting chili seeds will quickly give you chili, and chili plants grow quickly.
  • Analysis: The statement is circular and does not provide new information.

12. Sunk Cost Fallacy

This fallacy involves continuing an action because of the resources already invested. For example:

  • Statement: Since I bought this book, I will finish reading it even if I don’t like it.
  • Analysis: The decision to finish the book is based on the cost already incurred, not on enjoyment.

13. Appeal to Pity

This fallacy involves using emotion to support an argument. For example:

  • Statement: I couldn’t submit the work on time because I woke up late and faced traffic jams.
  • Analysis: The emotional appeal does not justify the failure to submit the work on time.

14. Causal Fallacy

This fallacy involves assuming a causal relationship between two events without evidence. For example:

  • Statement: Prices are rising because people’s incomes are increasing.
  • Analysis: The relationship between income and prices is not direct and involves other factors.

15. Appeal to Hypocrisy

This fallacy involves discrediting an argument by attacking the person making it. For example:

  • Statement: McDonald’s claims to sell billions of hamburgers, but that doesn’t mean they make the best hamburgers.
  • Analysis: The number of hamburgers sold does not prove their quality.

The Impact of Logical Fallacies

Logical fallacies can have significant impacts on various aspects of life, including decision-making, communication, and critical thinking. Understanding these fallacies helps in making more rational decisions and avoiding flawed arguments.


In decision-making, logical fallacies can lead to poor choices. For example, the Sunk Cost Fallacy can cause people to continue with a project or investment simply because they have already invested time and resources, even if the project is no longer viable. Recognizing this fallacy can help in making more objective decisions.


In communication, logical fallacies can undermine the credibility of an argument. For instance, using Ad Hominem attacks can shift the focus from the argument to the person, making the discussion less productive. Avoiding such fallacies can lead to more constructive and respectful conversations.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking involves evaluating arguments and evidence objectively. Logical fallacies can hinder this process by introducing biases and flawed reasoning. By understanding and identifying these fallacies, individuals can engage in more rational and critical thinking.

Real-World Examples

Logical fallacies are not just theoretical concepts; they are prevalent in real-world scenarios. Here are a few examples:


In politics, logical fallacies are often used to sway public opinion. For example, a politician might use the Straw Man fallacy to exaggerate an opponent’s position, making it easier to attack. Recognizing this fallacy can help voters make more informed decisions.


Advertising often employs logical fallacies to persuade consumers. For instance, the Bandwagon Fallacy is used to create the impression that a product is popular and therefore must be good. Understanding this fallacy can help consumers make more rational purchasing decisions.

Social Media

Social media is rife with logical fallacies. For example, the Appeal to Authority fallacy is often used to support claims based on the opinions of celebrities or influencers. Recognizing this fallacy can help users critically evaluate the information they encounter online.

How to Avoid Logical Fallacies

Avoiding logical fallacies requires critical thinking and a keen awareness of the arguments being presented. Here are some tips to help you avoid falling into the trap of logical fallacies:

  1. Focus on the Main Point: Always keep the main point of the argument in mind. Avoid diverting to unrelated topics or emotional appeals.
  2. Use Evidence: Support your claims with evidence. Avoid making hasty generalizations or relying on authority figures without proper justification.
  3. Question the Logic: Always question the logic and validity of the arguments presented. Look for inconsistencies and unsupported claims.
  4. Avoid Emotional Appeals: Emotional appeals can be persuasive but are often logically flawed. Focus on the facts and evidence.
  5. Be Objective: Maintain objectivity in your arguments. Avoid personal attacks or biases that can undermine the credibility of your argument.


What is a logical fallacy?

A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that undermines the logic of an argument. It can make an argument deceptively persuasive while being logically unsound.

Why are logical fallacies important to understand?

Understanding logical fallacies helps in identifying flawed arguments and making more rational decisions. It also aids in critical thinking and effective communication.

How can I avoid logical fallacies in my arguments?

To avoid logical fallacies, focus on the main point, use evidence to support your claims, and avoid emotional appeals or personal attacks. Always question the logic and validity of your arguments.

What are some common logical fallacies?

Some common logical fallacies include ad hominem, red herring, straw man, equivocation, slippery slope, hasty generalization, appeal to authority, false dilemma, bandwagon fallacy, appeal to ignorance, circular argument, sunk cost fallacy, appeal to pity, causal fallacy, and appeal to hypocrisy.

How can I identify a logical fallacy in someone else’s argument?

To identify a logical fallacy, look for inconsistencies, unsupported claims, emotional appeals, and divergence from the main topic. Question the logic and evidence presented in the argument.


Logical fallacies are prevalent in everyday arguments and can significantly impact our decision-making and communication. By understanding and identifying these fallacies, we can engage in more rational and effective discussions. Stay vigilant and question the logic behind arguments to avoid falling into the trap of logical fallacies.

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I'm MD Mehedi Hasan, also known by my pen name Mr. Bikel. I'm the admin of the site Ovizatri - News & Magazine. I am a versatile individual with a professional life that spans various fields. I work as a writer, actor, social worker, radio jockey, web developer, web designer, editor, presenter, blood donor, audio and video editor, photo editor, YouTuber, and drama director. I am also a developer and app developer at Microsoft.

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